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Hunter's Moon Page 14

  Emily had no idea what was going on. Either one of these guys owed the other money, or they were fighting over her.

  And she wasn't sure she could believe that.

  Yet it was entirely possible that Carter had drunkenly misinterpreted Caleb's intrusion on their conversation, believing it meant more than it likely did. Then again, she hadn't talked to Caleb in over a day, and honestly had no idea why he'd sneaked up on her at the bar to begin with.

  But she'd be a liar to say she hadn't secretly thrilled to see him.

  Still, and whatever his reasoning, Carter's sneaky blow had obviously pissed him off—and Caleb retaliated.

  Though the music continued playing, everyone nearby stopped what they were doing to stare as Carter taunted Caleb to be a man and get back up. In response, Emily parted her lips to demand he stop being a child, and nearly leaned down next to Caleb to make sure he was okay.

  But he moved too quickly to give her the chance to do either.

  In a moment's notice, he was up and slamming his own fist into Carter's jaw so hard the man spun around and onto a table, knocking over condiments and leftover plates alike.

  By that point, Conner, Joslyn, and a few others Emily didn't recognize were heading over to break up the fight, and she decided to help by quickly stepping in Caleb's way before he could approach the fallen man.

  “Stop, Caleb, don't make this worse!”

  “Shit, Emily!” Caleb yelled, quickly grabbing her to lift off the floor and move out of the way when Carter swiftly stood and tried to swing again.

  But the combination of Caleb's blow and the liquor must've rattled him because his fist arced around and nearly connected with the back of Emily's head.

  Thankfully, he missed entirely because of Caleb's quick response—and her inebriated coworker didn't get another shot. Instead, one of Blue Moon's bouncers grabbed him from behind. Emily overheard someone calling him Hobbs, a large, burly man with tattoos up and down both arms who locked Carter in a tight hold, and had no trouble getting him to the door afterward.

  Not that Carter wasn't sputtering curses and struggling the entire way. But Emily wasn't sure she could feel badly for him after everything that just happened.

  Still, it was difficult to consider the matter at all when her body was pressed so firmly against Caleb's after he'd removed her from harm's way. His arms were still locked around her sides, his gaze filled with concern when he looked down and asked, “Are you okay?”

  Mindlessly, she nodded, somehow swallowing the lump in her throat to say, “Yeah, thanks. But what about you?”

  “I'm fine,” he promised.

  “Are you sure?” She reached up to lightly brush her fingers over his jaw. “It looked like he hit you pretty hard.”

  For a brief moment, she thought Caleb seemed shaken by her attention. Even his southern accent was thicker when he answered, “Nah, Carter's drunk, and he was goin' for speed, not strength.”

  She wasn't sure she registered the statement, too busy locked in his gaze with her pulse speeding up—which pissed her off. She had no idea how or why Caleb Hodgins had this impact on her, but it was getting extremely frustrating considering his lack of interest.

  And his proximity wasn't the only example.

  When she'd left his home the day before, she'd decided to move on, yet couldn't stop herself from thinking about him sporadically. She'd even selected an outfit to wear that night with the sole purpose of trying to capture his attention.

  And now, she was nearly blushing just because he was holding her so close. I'm acting like a smitten teenager.

  “Hey, are you guys okay?”

  Joslyn's question snapped Emily out of her stupor, and she looked left to see her best friend standing nearby with Conner right behind her.

  “Yeah, we're okay,” Emily announced, backing up when Caleb finally released his hold. “I'm just really stunned. What was that about, anyway?”

  Looking up at Caleb, he shrugged and answered, “I'll tell you later. Joslyn, can you guys give us a minute? I need to ask Emily something.”

  “Sure,” she agreed without qualm—then questionably smiled and winked at Emily while urging her husband back to their booth.

  If Emily didn't know any better, she'd think her friend was under the impression that Caleb was about to ask her out on a date or something. But Emily wasn't going to get her hopes up, and merely asked while turning to grab her drink from the bar, “What's up?”

  After only two steps, Caleb's hand encompassed her upper arm to stop her from walking away. She tried to look back and see why, but he was already right behind her, leaning in to speak against her ear where she could hear him more easily over the music playing, “I was wondering if you wanted to get out of here and let me take you for a ride.”

  A shiver spread down her neck and through her chest at the tone of his voice. It was suggestive, and she turned her head to look up at him, his eyes a warm brown that seemed to burn with undeniable interest.

  Her heart skipped a beat.

  “A r-ride?” she heard herself asking dumbly, hurrying to add, “Where to?”

  A sexy smile lifted the corners of his mouth, robbing her of breath. “I figured I'd take you up to the lake so we could talk alone.”

  Emily blinked, unsure she'd heard him right, but found herself nodding without thinking. “Sure, if you want.”

  Caleb questionably scoffed, but didn't comment, releasing her arm while insisting on paying for her drink.

  She was so confounded that she didn't argue, nor did she interrupt when he made a pit stop at Joslyn's booth to lean in and tell her something that was apparently private. It also seemed to be surprising because Joslyn was wide eyed when she responded with a nod of her head.

  “Sure, just give me a call when you need me.”

  “Believe me, I will,” Caleb promised as he stood straight. “Anyway, I'm gonna take her to the lake, near that pit stop on the north side. You guys know where I'm talking about?”

  “Yep,” Conner confirmed. “Be careful, and keep your phone handy just in case.”

  With a nod, Caleb finally turned to face her, then smiled and held out his hand. “After you.”

  Smiling, Emily started for the exit, asking on the way, “What was that about?”

  “Trust me, I'll tell you later,” he promised, stepping out into the slightly muggy night air.

  Thankfully, there was no sign of Carter anywhere. Emily only hoped that meant someone had taken him home to sober up, and things wouldn't be too awkward to deal with when she returned to work Monday morning.

  But for now, she was too focused on her impending ride with Caleb to think much about it, stopping at his bike where he handed her his helmet.

  Donning the protective gear, she climbed on behind him—and didn't hesitate to hang on tight this time.

  A part of her was eager to arrive at their destination and learn what this was really all about, but she wasn't complaining when Caleb took a highway bypass that wasn't the most direct route. It was far more scenic, and she appreciated having time to think about the things she wanted to say.

  Not that she figured anything out by the time they stopped.

  Caleb pulled up to a curb near the shore, parking his bike in the grass. With the engine's blare dying out, Emily tugged the helmet off and handed it over, gazing out at the lake reflecting the moon back up at the sky. Trees rose up in the distance on the opposing side, and the bridge they'd driven over the first time she'd ridden on his bike crossed the waterway a few hundred meters out.

  It was serene, beautiful, and in particular, romantic.

  Still, Emily found herself unsure if only because it was all so sporadic. But perhaps the confusion was about to be cleared up, and she took a deep breath to prepare while Caleb looked over his shoulder with a charming smile.

  “How's this?”

  “It's really nice,” she admitted, watching as he lifted a leg over his bike to sit sideways in front of her.

>   “Are you cold?”

  Emily shook her head. “Not really, it's warmer tonight than last time. And you must be stalling.”

  At that, he exhaled, sounding just as anxious as she'd been feeling—which strangely alleviated some of her discomfort.

  “Sorta,” he confessed. “I just wasn't sure how to break the ice.”

  “Would it help if I asked a question first?”

  “It might.”

  “Okay, then why are we here? Just give me the bottom line.”

  As if he appreciated being able to cut to the chase, he nodded and answered without pause, “Mostly, because I wanna get to know you better. A lot better.”

  Emily tried to keep her heart from fluttering out of her chest. It was nice to hear him say so, but she was still too uncertain to completely enjoy knowing the truth.

  “I wouldn't mind that, Caleb, but I'm extremely confused.”

  Suggesting he knew she would be, he pointed out, “So ask another question.”

  “Okay,” she started, momentarily pausing for thought. What to ask first? Emily had so many questions, but the simplest was, “I know you said you're not interested in anything but having flings, so is this—”

  She stopped when he held up a hand. “No, that's not why I brought you here. The truth is that I've wanted a steady relationship, I just hadn't found anyone who'd interested me enough to make me really consider it. Not until I met you.”

  Emily sighed. “And that confuses me even more. Since we met, I won't lie, I thought you seemed interested sometimes, but then you'd brush me off. Even when I suggested we have a fling, you looked horrified by the idea.”

  Caleb groaned low, thoughtfully staring out across the lake as he confessed, “I know, and I'm sorry. I was just … worried because I couldn't stop thinking about you, but didn't know if I could take a chance, even on a fling.”

  “That makes sense I guess, but what changed your mind?”

  “Honestly? I don't know that it has, but I realized I couldn't let this go without telling you the truth. Maybe I'll end up regretting it, but I'd regret staying silent even more.”

  Emily held his gaze, and a slow smile lifted the corners of her mouth. “So … should I sit a little closer, then?”

  Finally, he grinned. “Thought you'd never ask.”

  Snickering, she raised her leg across his motorcycle to stand and scoot over. But Caleb surprised her by reaching to lift her completely, then sat her across his lap sideways—with very little effort.

  “Geeze,” she drew out. “Would've thought you'd at least grunt.”

  Chuckling, his warm, copper eyes swept over her face as he countered, “Nah, Joslyn's right.”

  “About what?”

  “You're a shrimp.”

  Playfully incensed, she gasped and smacked his arm, making Caleb laugh, a rich, deep sound that helped her relax even more.

  “But seriously,” he started, his mirth slowly fading, “I'm really sorry I confused you so much. It's just not easy to know what to do when you're … ”


  Sighing, he finally admitted, “Scared shitless. Still am, too, if I'm being honest.”

  Emily frowned. Whatever happened with his last relationship must've been serious to have him this worried. “Is it because you're afraid of getting hurt again?”

  “Not exactly, and I'd rather not tell you what happened yet. But there's another reason I wanted to talk.”

  Caleb paused for thought, taking so long Emily thought he'd changed his mind altogether before he inevitably stated, “Besides wanting to admit that I'm interested, I also needed to let you know that I'm not … ”

  She waited patiently for him to continue, but this time, when he trailed off, it was because he'd frozen completely, the air around them growing thick with tension. Whatever he was trying to say must've been dire, or he was simply terrified of judgment.

  So Emily tried to show understanding by taking his hand and squeezing it.

  “You're not what?”

  Despite her gentle tone, Caleb flinched as if jarred from a stupor, then exhaled regretfully. “I have a secret, Emily, one that means a relationship with me wouldn't be … completely normal.”

  She canted her head curiously. “Not normal how?”

  “Right now, the specifics don't matter. But you deserved to know that much before we get too close.”

  There was a noticeable amount of sorrow in his eyes, and she stared at him, trying to figure out what kind of secret he might have that would be so important—and regretful. Did he have a criminal history? That couldn't be it because Joslyn would've told her before she'd ever moved to Arkin.

  So Emily had no idea what he could be hiding that would make him feel the need to offer a warning.

  Unless …

  “Oh my god, you're not sick, are you?” she asked in concern. “Because that—”

  “No, Emily,” he quickly interjected, tightening his arm around her back. “Thankfully, I'm not sick.”

  The relief she felt hearing him deny her assumption was immense, and it must've shown because he pointed it out while reaching to gently tuck a stray tendril of hair behind her ear.

  “You look relieved.”

  “Of course I'm relieved.” Leaning up, she kissed his cheek pointedly, then added, “I already feel like … you're … ”

  She would've continued, but they were in such close proximity that she could barely focus. So she tried once more to finish her statement, but only managed half a word before their lips met.

  And that spark she'd tried to douse ignited.

  What started as a slow press of the lips quickly grew intense, the couple seizing up against each other in a tight embrace. Their tongues met, gliding together, and Emily could barely think—particularly when Caleb groaned and slanted his mouth over hers as if desperate for something only she could give him.

  It was nothing like the kisses she'd shared with Rob, even during sex. No, this was passionate, carnal, and she was absolutely lost in it. Fireworks? It's the freaking Fourth, baby!

  So when their lips finally broke, she leaned up for another.

  Yet Caleb turned his head, pressing his face against the crook of her neck where he inhaled deeply against her sensitive skin, then pressed several kisses from one side to the other, sending shivers through her entire body.

  Emily panted, digging her fingers into the back of his shirt in a tight grip. She'd never once been so rattled by a single kiss, and the way Caleb wrapped her in his arms felt so … right. Somehow, they just fit together, and a sense of security enveloped her, warm and inviting, as if she was precisely where she needed to be.

  And Emily didn't want it to end.

  Yet she wondered what's the catch?

  Caleb's secret hadn't escaped her thoughts, making her hesitant to believe this could be as good as it felt, and the notion was even more disappointing than simply thinking he wasn't interested.

  But at least he was offering a warning, right? Such caution proved he was concerned on her behalf, and besides, he might not be able to control whatever he was hiding. So the least she could do was keep that in mind going forward, and hope it wasn't as bad as he was making it out to be.

  Otherwise, she wanted to enjoy the fireworks while they lasted.

  Chapter 16

  Caleb thought he'd found bliss once, but nothing he'd ever experienced compared to this. To her.

  He couldn't pull away from Emily, so engrossed he had to bury himself in her scent for several moments before finding the slightest hint of willpower to sit back again.

  Yet dread was churning in his gut the entire while. Emily's responses were favorable so far, but he had the distinct feeling his next suggestion was going to ruin everything they'd just shared.

  She must've been thinking along the same lines as well because she was giving him a skeptical look when he finally pulled away.

  “Caleb, I don't know what to say. I feel comfortable with you, but not knowing
whatever it is you're hiding worries me.”

  “I know,” he muttered. “So I wanna give you a choice. We can just hang out for a bit, see how things go between us, or I can tell you everything now and … ”

  As he tried to figure out how to word his statement, Emily insisted, “I think it'd be better if everything was out on the table first. Otherwise, I'll be thinking about it all the time and making up what-if scenarios, you know? So tell me now, Caleb.”

  “I … ,” he started, his gut clenching while wondering if he could.

  Even though he had no desire to keep secrets this time around, knowing Emily was asking him for the same information that had driven Fiona to a tragic end was almost making him sick. I'm gonna have to let Joslyn do all the talking.

  During his hesitation, Emily must've assumed the worst because she asked with a great deal of reluctance, “You look so pale. Have you hurt someone?”

  “No,” he shook his head. “I promise it's nothing like that. But if I tell you now, I don't wanna do it here.”

  “Then where?”

  That was a good question, and he considered the best place to go, unwilling to take her to his home because of the memories of Fiona that still haunted him there. So Emily's duplex was the best choice. There, she wouldn't have to storm out if she became upset, and he'd leave the minute she told him to get out of her life.

  Not that the thought didn't rip his heart in two. Why can't I be normal for her?

  “Let's go to your place,” he finally answered. “That way, if you don't like what you hear, I can leave without any drama.”

  Emily pursed her lips. “You know this all sounds extremely shady, Caleb.”

  He frowned, wishing there was some way to relate just how well he knew that, and how damned badly he wanted her to trust him even if she had no reason to. But there was nothing he could say, except, “I know, and I swear the last thing I wanna do is hurt you, Emily. But I can't keep this from you if we're gonna … you know.”

  “I know, and I believe you,” she replied, her tone soft, even promising.

  She also leaned up to give him another kiss, a gesture he knew was meant to prove she was giving him the benefit of a doubt—and Caleb didn't bother stopping himself from returning it. As if I could.